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Sami Shrine (Shiraishi, Shishido Town)

It is said that Sako Shrine (Shiraishi, Shishido-cho籬 sits in the god body of the Meoiwa Rock Ruins (meoiwa iseki) on the extension line in the direction of the straight approach from the torii gate at the entrance of the approach to the main shrine. 佐為神社(宍道町白石)は 女夫岩遺跡(meotoiwa iseki)の神籬を御神体として坐ますと伝わります  参道入り口の鳥居から本殿に向かう直線の参道方向の延長線上に 御袋岩(女夫岩遺跡)があります

From here, I will explain the name of the listed shrine in chronological order.

First of all, "Izumo Kaoru Fudoki" was completed on February 30, 733, about
years ago. Next, the Enki-style God Name Book, which was completed about
years ago and in the middle of the Heian period (extended 5 years and 927 years), is the last of the "Izumo-an Fudoki" and "Enki-style God Name Book" (present-day shrine).

【約1300年前】About 1300 years ago

【出雲國風土記(izumo no kuni fudoki)所載社(Place of publication)】
The shrine record was completed in February 733 AD.

国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ『出雲国風土記』写本 National Archives digital archive "Izumokuni Fudoki" manuscript

【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 意宇郡(ou no kori) 条
神祇官社(jingikan no yashiro )

【社名】 狭井社
【読み】(さい の)やしろ
【How to read】(sai no) yashiro

境内社 佐爲高守神社
【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 意宇郡(ou no kori) 条
神祇官社(jingikan no yashiro )

【How to read】(onajiki sainotakamori no) yashiro


【約1100年前】About 1100 years ago

【延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho)所載社(Place of publication)】
The shrine record was completed in December 927 AD. - Image use
国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 延喜式 刊本(跋刊)[旧蔵者]紅葉山文庫

【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 意宇郡(ou no kori)

【社名】 佐爲神社
【How to read】(sai no kamino yashiro)

境内社 佐爲高守神社
【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 意宇郡(ou no kori)

【社名】 佐爲高守神社
【How to read】(sai takamochi no kamino yashiro)


【現在】At the moment

【論社】Current specific shrine

【神社名】(shrine name)

佐為神社(sai shrine)

【通称名】(Common name) 佐為明神(sai myojin)


Shiraishi 1464, Shishido Town, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture

【地 図】(Google Map)

【御祭神】(God’s name to pray)

《主》猿田彦命(sarutahiko no mikoto)

境内社 佐爲高守神社
《主》天鈿女命(ameno uzume no mikoto)

【御神格】(God’s great power)

【格式】(Rules of dignity)

『出雲國風土記(izumo no kuni fudoki)』所載社
『延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho )』所載社

【創建】(Beginning of history)

From the official website

Although the founding age is unknown, it is an old shrine listed in Izumo Fudokisho, and it is said that it is Saisha in Fudoki, and it is said that it is Sako Shrine in the Enki ceremony god name book.

It is said that our Touhou Kooka was the former location of the company of Sami Takami in Fudoki, which is said to be character-high-quality.

From the official website


According to Fudoki Izumo, our company is seen as Sainosha, and it is a shrine called Saki Shrine in 爲 name.

There is also Takamosha, and you can see it at the Sayai Takamosha, which is listed at two Izumo Fudokisho shrines in the precincts.

Shimane Prefectural Shrine Office website

【境内社】(Other deities within the precincts)

・佐爲高守神社《主》天鈿女命(ameno uzume no mikoto)
『出雲國風土記(izumo no kuni fudoki)』
同狭井高守社(onajiki sainotakamori no) yashiro
『延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho )』
佐爲高守神社(sai takamochi no kamino yashiro)

It 爲 said that the former sitting area of the Takami Shrine in Sako-san was a small hill in front of our torii gate.

There is also a theory that it is originally supposed to make the shrine "Sa爲
as "Sa爲 Takamo Shrine" (the opposite of the current

・社日社 《主》社日神

【オタッキーポイント】(Points selected by Japanese Otaku)

There is a theory that the female rock ruins (meotoiwa iseki) are the god body.

God and Dragon of Happiness: The
Key to Ancient Times Author: Yoshihiko Tanido "This company is an old shrine of origin that enshrines the "god of happiness" There is a Mbukuro rock (Onoiwa ruins) on the line that extends straight in the direction of the approach from the torii to the main shrine.

Certainly on
Google Map,
there was a "meoiwa iseki" on the extension of the approach from the entrance of the approach. In that case, there used to be 爲 Shrine" in front of the torii gate, so the three companies were lined up in a straight line like "Mamiya", "Nakamiya" and "Okumiya".

Please refer to the
"Meoiwa Iseki" on the extension of the approach to Google Map Sami Shrine


【神社にお詣り】(Pray at the shrine)

From Izumo Airport via Prefectural Route 57 about 6.5km about 11 minutes by car
It's just below the highway. I'm sitting at the hem of Okuyama in the village of Sai, Shinji-cho, Matsue City.

There is a map of "Onoiwa" and "Sayaisha" in the guide stone tower of Izumokuni Fudoki.

Arrived at Sayu Shrine (sai shrine)

The tip of the torii gate is
pitch black and I can't see the front.
Bow and go through the torii gate.

For some reason, it's surrounded by bright trees, followed by a long but relatively low slope stone steps.

Shiba Inu is set up in front of the Shinto gate.

Bow and go through the Shinto gate.

The main shrine built by Taisha is built in the precincts one step higher in the back.

There is a shrine between the stone lanterns.

佐爲高守神社《主》天鈿女命(ameno uzume no mikoto)

I'm going to go to the shrine.
I'm sing a lot of money.I wish you all the best..
I pray with my hands together, hitting a high hand that can't reach the god of worship who bows and settles while wishing to be in accordance with your divine power.

Through the Shinto gate

I'm going back to the approach.

Through the torii gate, the straight front area is transmitted 爲 the former Zazachi area of The Sahara Takami Shrine.

a look back


【神社の伝承】(Old tales handed down to shrines)

Each document is handed down as follows

"Unyo shi" a tradition in Shiraishi, Ibu-gun

『雲陽志(unyo shi)』では 現在の「佐為神社(sai shrine)」が
「佐爲明神(sai myojin)」として記されています

『 白石 佐爲明神(sai myojin)

猿田彦神(sarutahiko no kami)を祀る
風土記に載る狭井社(sai no) yashiroなり
本社 9尺4方 東向き

当社の東方に 高守社があり 天鈿女命を祀る
風土記に狭井高守社(sainotakamori no) yashiroとあり
神明帳に意宇郡 佐爲高守社と記すなり

近来 両神を1社に遷して祀り 狭井二社明神と崇敬せり

※『雲陽志(unyo shi)』[黒沢長尚著]天保6 [1835]『原文』参照 国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ『雲陽志』写本画像利用

Izumo Koku- style company idea (izumo no kuni shiki no yashiro ko)

『 佐爲神社(sai no kamino yashiro)

風土記に「狭井社(sai no) yashiro」とあり 白石村にあり 佐爲谷という所なり
今 社家の説には 猿田彦大神(sarutahiko no okami)を祀れりという これは 大和国城上郡 狭井坐大神荒魂神社あり この社の神を祀り・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

佐爲高守神社(sai takamochi no kamino yashiro)

風土記に同狭井高守社(onajiki sainotakamori no) yashiroとあり 白石村の狭宮大明神なり
今 佐爲社と1社に併せ祀るので 狭井二社大明神という

高守という地名もあり 佐爲社の東なり 天鈿女命を祀るという
伊須気余理比売命なるべし この神は大物主神の御女で 佐爲社の大物主神の荒魂なる故に しかるべきに此の神を祭りしている なので狭井というのが本来です

この国の地名は 必ず 此の2神・大物主荒魂神・伊須気余理比売命を祭れり事から 決まったので
高守というのは 勝日高守神社ありて ともに 高樹乃神 よりの名なるべし

※『出雲国式社考((izumo no kuni shiki no yashiro ko))』[選者:千家梅舎/校訂者:岩政信比古]写本 ,明治02年(1906)『原文』参照 国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ『出雲国式社考』写本画像利用

Sitting in the Gods of Meotoiwa iseki
籬 as a god's body "rai" (90-degree bow) at Sayu Shrine (sai shrine)

See also the meotoiwa iseki article



As a criterion (iii) of the World Cultural Heritage "Mt. Fuji - Object of Worship and Source of Art", it is written that "Through the ascent to the summit and pilgrimage to the sacred place at the foot of the mountain, which has inspired the tradition of mountain worship from ancient times to the present day, pilgrims wished to imbue themselves with the spiritual power of the gods and Buddhas who live there."

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