Watatsu Shrine (Sado City)

The Dozu Shrine is believed by the islanders as the guardian deity of the land Shanghai, dedicated to the 50th death of the God of the Imperial Palace, but it is said that it was moved to its present location because there was a great flood in 1470 and old documents such as shrine land, history, good luck, etc. were washed away, so it is not detailed.


The official name of this shrine and how to be called The present address and map I will introduce the history of the god and the shrine enshrined.

【神社名(shrine name)】

度津神社(watatsu shrine)

[通称名(Common name)]


【鎮座地 (location) 】

550-4 Hamo Iioka, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture

[地 図 (Google Map)]

【御祭神 (God's name to pray)】

《主》五十猛命(itakeru no mikoto)
《配》大屋都姫命(oyatsuhime no mikoto)五十猛命の妹神
抓津姫命(tsumatsuhime no mikoto)五十猛命の妹神

【御神格 (God's great power)】(ご利益)

・陸上海上交通の守護神 God of traffic safety at sea and land
・交通安全 Pray for Traffic safety

【格 式 (Rules of dignity) 】

"Engisiki-style god name book (engisiki jimmeicho)"
Sado Kuni
Ichinomiya (sado no kuni ichinomiya)
Bessomo Shrine

【創 建 (Beginning of history)】

度津神社(わたつじんじゃ) 御由緒

The shrine described in the "Enki- style" god name book (927) was called Uchiuchisha, and there were nine companies in Sado's country at that time, and it was called Ichinomiya from ancient times as the first shrine, but it was a high-style shrine called Ichinomiya from ancient times, but since the great flood of the Hamo River in 1407, the shrine site, old documents, etc. were leaked due to the great flood of the Hamo River, so it is not detailed such as reason and good luck. After that, I was moved to my present place, and I was placed in the National Mint Kosha in 1868. The present main shrine was built in Hoei 6 (1709) and the Mint Hall and worship hall were built in 1947, and all of them are made from Taiwanese cypress.

五十猛命(itakeru no mikoto)
the son of "Susanowo no mikoto"and was named after a brave man like a father god.
At the beginning of the rain, we brought down the seeds of trees, went back to Korea with our father, and were recommended to plant trees all over Japan, so we were all revered as "gods of tree planting" in order to flourish as Aoyama U.S.A.

It is also called "The God of Isao" from the place which depends on the achievement of this God from the palace, the house, the ship, and the car to the material of the day equipment.
In addition, we call your company No. Dotsu because people were given the art of shipbuilding and sailing and opened ports in various places. In addition, it is believed from all islanders as the guardian deity of the traffic safety on the sea and land now by the god virtue which opened the road with the tree planting and was hit by the spread of the car.

Main Festival April
New Year's Day January
All Island Traffic Safety Prayer Festival April 21
All Islands Maritime Safety Large Fishing Satisfaction Prayer Festival April 24
Shinjo Festival November 23

From the company's head stone monument

【由 緒 (history)】

Our company is the first of nine companies in Sado and Enki-uchi, and it is called Ichinomiya since ancient time.
It is not other details of the founding year and the age of the foundation because it lost the company ground to the Hamo river flood in June of 1470, and it returned to the besothing which went to Bentobo as well as the history, the good luck, and the old document.


After that, I occupied the land of the current place, and it was the one that I said the new construction goza,
In 1868, he was listed at Koku mint kosha.
The present Main Hall was built in Hoei 6 (1709), and the Mint Hall and the Worship Hall were built in 1947, but the Mint Hall was all built with a bowl from Mt. Ali in Taiwan, and it is your shrine that has the best of Japanese architecture, both in the form of straw, techniques, and Japanese architecture.


"National Shrine Festival Festival Survey (Heisei 7)" [Shrine Main Office]

【境内社 (Other deities within the precincts)】

Hachimangu (Hachiman gu)
"Lord" Bessay Of Hoda, Toyoyo Daijin, Uyokuno Soul God, Ieto Mingjin


この神社の予備知識(Preliminary knowledge of this shrine)

This shrine has a long history.

『延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho)The two volumes that are regarded as important among all 50 ritual- style scrolls created by the Imperial Court during the middle Heian period are called " engishiki jimmeicho " (edited in December 927). Approximately 1100 years ago, the name of "2861 company" and the number of gods enshrined there are listed in the list of government offices (shikinaisha) nationwide.

【延喜式神名帳】(engishiki jimmeicho)The shrine record was completed in December 927 AD.

[旧 行政区分](Old administrative district)
(神様の鎮座数)北陸道 352座…大14(うち預月次新嘗1)・小338
[旧 国 名 ](old county name)
(神様の鎮座数)佐渡国 9座(並小)
[旧 郡 名 ](old region name)
(Number of sittings of God) 2 seats in Hamo-gun (small and small)

[名神大 大 小] 式内小社

[旧 神社名 ] 度津神社
[ふ り が な ](わたつの かみのやしろ)
[How to read] (watatsu no kamino yashiro)

国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 延喜式 刊本(跋刊)[旧蔵者]紅葉山文庫


[Otaky Point] (Points Selected by Japan Otaku)

I will introduce the preliminary knowledge that you will be interested in this shrine from a otaku's point of view.

It is said that the shrine of the present festival god (the god of three pillars) is related to the Shinto priest "Tachibana Mitsuyoshi" in the early Edo period.

There was a big flood in 1470, and old documents such as company sites, his fore meddles, and good luck were lost.
I'm moved to my current location, but I'm told that it's not the year of its foundation or any other details.

There are some theories about the original old company site, and I'm not certain.

In the early Edo period, the Shinto artist "Tachibana mitsuyoshi" wrote a record of visiting Ichinomiya in Japan over 23 years from Yonbao 3rd year (1675) as all 13 volumes of "Shokoku Ichinomiya jumpaiki".
I visited this shrine in 1678, and since the time when Tachibana Sanki visited was the mountain of the Shinto shrine's Shinto shrine, there is a theory that it was Tachibana Sanki who arranged the two pillars of the younger sister god of Itakeru no ikoto.


Visit the Shrine (Pray at the Shrine)

I introduce the state when I visited this shrine.

From Ogi Port on Sado Island Via Prefectural Route 45, Prefectural
Route 81, approximately 7.3km by car for about 15 minutes
Cross the amber bridge like the God Bridge over the Hamo River.

At the end of the bridge is the shrine's name, "Traffic Safety Nogami Sado Ichinomiya Watatsu Shrine" and the amber "Ichino Torii" are built.

If you go through "One Torii", you will see "Two Torii" of the head of the company.

There is "Ichinomiya" in the flat forehead of "Ninotorii" which takes a note rope, and "Sado Ichinomiya Watatsu Shrine" is engraved on the name mark of the stone company.

When you bow and go through the "Two Torii", the precincts are lined with old trees and large trees such as pines and cedars.

A serrag-like stream flows around the shrine building as if to create a connection in the precincts.

There's a red bridge on the approach, and I'm going to invite you to a high company site.

There is a Shinto gate just up the stairs across the brook.

You can see the shrine in the back of the shrine gate.

I'm singing to the shrine.
In the hall of worship, there is a tag with "Totsujin 50 ferocious life (Ikaru only) fishing rock and Kameishi" and there is a photograph, too.

Give me a prayer.
When you reach the god of worship, where you worship God's power, pray with your hands together.

The main shrine is lying on the slope at the back of the shrine.

The passage to the main shrine is designed to go up from the inside of the shrine by an inner staircase.

It is written that the shrine and the last shrine were built in 1937 by total cypress wood produced in Taiwan.

I visit the precincts shrine (Shishiden and Hachimangu Shrine) on the right side toward the shrine hall.

Hachimangu (Hachiman gu)
"Lord" Bessay Of Hoda, Toyoyo Daijin, Uyokuno Soul God, Ieto Mingjin

I'm going back to the Shinto gate.

Return to the approach

If you turn at the Temizusha in front of the second torii gate, there is a company office, so you can award a teshimi seal, etc.

The approach extends in a straight line from two torii to one torii.

I go through the torii gate and look back and bow.


神社の伝承(Old tales handed down to shrines)

I introduce the thing related to this shrine and the literature described.

『橘三喜(tachibana mitsuyoshi)諸国一宮巡詣記抜粋(shokoku ichinomiya jumpaikibassui)』に記される伝承

As a record when I visited Yonbao 6 years (1678), it is said that "Sado Ichinomiya Kamo-gun, Dotsu Myogami Fifty Ferocious Life"

【原文参照】国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ『橘三喜 諸国一宮巡詣記抜粋 乾』(1675年~1697年)

The God of The
Festival is believed by the islanders as the guardian deity of land Shanghai in the 50th life. "rai" (90-degree bow) at Watsu shrine



As a criterion (iii) of the World Cultural Heritage "Mt. Fuji - Object of Worship and Source of Art", it is written that "Through the ascent to the summit and pilgrimage to the sacred place at the foot of the mountain, which has inspired the tradition of mountain worship from ancient times to the present day, pilgrims wished to imbue themselves with the spiritual power of the gods and Buddhas who live there."

-全国 一の宮("Ichinomiya" all over Japan)

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