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Odome Daimeijin (Yunnan City)

Odome Daimingjin (Yunnan City) has a history that it is the place where "one of the three kinds of divine vessels" (Kusanagi sword) was removed from the inside by slashing and fastening the tail of the Yamata no orochi.

From here, I will explain the name of the listed shrine in chronological order.

"Izumo Kuni Fudoki" was completed on February 30, 1300 years ago and 5 years ago (733).
Next, the Enki-shiki Shinmei book was completed about 1100 years ago in the middle of the Heian period (extended 5 years and 927 years).
Finally, it is the ronsha (present shrine) of "Izumo Kuni Fudoki" and "Enki-shiki Shinmeisho"

[About 1,300 years ago] About 1300 Years ago

[Izumo Kuni Fudoki (izumo no kuni fudoki) Place of publication]
The shrine record was completed in February 733 AD.

【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 大原郡(ohara no kori)条
神祇官社(jingikan no yashiro )

【社名】 御代社

【読み】(みしろ の)やしろ
【How to read】(mishiro no) yashiro



【約1100年前】About 1100 years ago

【延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho)所載社(Place of publication)】
The shrine record was completed in December 927 AD.

【國】 出雲國(izumo no kuni)
【郡】 大原郡(ohara no kori)

【社名】 御代神社

【読み】(みしろ の かみの やしろ)
【How to read】(mishiro no kamino yashiro)画像利用
National Diet Library Digital Collection Enki Ceremony : Revised. 上巻(昭和4至7)


【現在】At the moment

【論社】Current specific shrine

【神社名】(shrine name) 尾留大明神 (御代神社 旧鎮座地)
(otome daimyojin)
【読み方】(How to read)(おとめだいみょうじん)

【通称名】(Common name)

【鎮座地】(location) 島根県雲南市加茂町三代
【地 図】(Google Map)

【御祭神】(God’s name to pray)

《主》素盞嗚命(susanoo no mikoto)
《主》稲田姫命(inadahime no mikoto)

【御神格】(God’s great power)

【格式】(Rules of dignity)


【創建】(Beginning of history)

Shrines are very old, from the days when the gods flourished. And the Death Is Still Going on


Odome Daimeijin (Odomedai myojin) former company site

(The birthplace of Amedo-muraku-no-Tsutsugi)

Susa no Ono, who got rid of a large snake intoxicated by the sake of Yashio ori, opened the tail of the serpent in this Tateyabu. I was able to get a treasure sword, but because there was a suspicious cloud on the treasure sword, I called it "Ame no Muraku no Tsurgi" and became a tribute to Ameteru-Okami, and later, It is still held at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya as one of three kinds of divine instruments.

This Mitachi-yabu (now Hatachi) was widely worshipped by susao-no-komei and Princess Inada as Odomedai Myojin.
Due to the flooding of the Aoi River, it was moved to the hilly hills of here Otsu, about 200 meters south of Yan'an Year (1744).

It was changed to Mishiro Shrine in Meiji 4 and moved to the Niyoshi Shrine site in 1912, and it is now Mishiro Shrine (500 meters to the south).


【境内社】(Other Deities within the preciscants)


【オタッキーポイント】(Points selected by Japanese Otaku)

ご神名「尾留大明神(otome daimyojin)」の由来について

It 盞 said that Susanoo no ikoto slashed the head of Torochi (yamata no orochi) of Yawata in the land of Hachiguchi Shrine, and "cut the tail" in this land.
Because of 盞, the alias of Susanoo no ikoto is called "otome daimyojin".

The birthplace of this shrine is otome daimyojin, the former sedation of Miyo Shrine.

Miyo Shrine will be guided in a separate article.


【Visit to the shrine】 (Pray at the shrinee)

There is no public transportation, so it's convenient to get there by car.

About 20 minutes by car from Izumo City Station
From Asahikawa IC, about 9km via prefectural road 183 and prefectural road 197 about 15 minutes

We will arrive at Mishiro Shrine.
It is located on the hilly side of Otsu on foot from the parking lot of Oshiro Shrine 500m east of here.
It's on the right side of the road.

Arrived at Otome Daimyojin (Oshiro Shrine, former company site)

Signs and stone monuments are built, and you can see them right away.
I pray in front of the stone monument of "Oshiro Shrine old shrine site ruins".

Under the hills, there is a field, and at the end of it you can see the ground of the grass pillow that Torochi of Yawata (yamata no orochi) used as a pillow and the Hachiguchi Shrine where the head was cut down.


【神社の伝承】(Old tales handed down to shrines)

『古事記(kojiki)』八俣の遠呂智(yamata no orochi)の伝承

It's talked about in detail.

translation of one's intention
As I was ordered there, I prepared and waited as I was told, and that Yawata no orochi really appeared as I was told.
The orochi drank with eight of his heads dripping every sake oke, and then he got drunk and stayed there and fell asleep.

Saya Susanoo no ikoto pulled out the ten swords he had been wearing and slashed the large snake, so Hikawa (hi no kawa) became like a river of blood.

And when I was slashed on the tail of the large snake, the blade of the tosska no tsurugi was a little chipped.
This was thought to be suspicious, and I stabbed the tail at the end of the sword.

So I took out this sword and thought it was a strange thing, so I offered the circumstances of this to amaterasu omikami, and this is Kusanagi no tachi.

This is the sword of the god body of Atsuta Shrine, and it is one of three kinds of divine vessels.

Reference to "Original Text" Digital Archive of the National Archives of Japan画像利用

素盞嗚命(susanoo no mikoto)が 八岐大蛇(yamata no orochi)の”尻尾を斬り留め””その尾を割って”中から「三種の神器の一つ天叢雲剱」(草薙剣)が取り出された場所であるとの由緒を持ちます
尾留大明神(otome daimyojin)に「拝 (hai)」(90度のお辞儀)



As a criterion (iii) of the World Cultural Heritage "Mt. Fuji - Object of Worship and Source of Art", it is written that "Through the ascent to the summit and pilgrimage to the sacred place at the foot of the mountain, which has inspired the tradition of mountain worship from ancient times to the present day, pilgrims wished to imbue themselves with the spiritual power of the gods and Buddhas who live there."

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