Nakayama Shrine (Tsuyama City) has a tradition and tradition in "Mimasaka no Ichinomiya" When the ancient Yamato court divided "Kibiki" into a new "Mimasaka no kuni", "Ichinomiya" (Ichi no miya)” Many other mysterious and ancient shrines still quietly sit “saru gami”
Introduction (Introduction)
【神社名】(shrine name)
中山神社(nakayama shrine)
【通称名】(Common name)
一宮さま ichinomiya sama
仲山大明神 nakayama daimyojin
695 Ichinomiya, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture
【地 図】(Google Map)
【延喜式神名帳】 【engishiki jimmeicho】
(927年12月完成) The shrine record was completed in December 927 AD.
「旧国名 郡・神社名」「old region name・shrine name」
美作國 苫東郡 中山神社 名神大
mimasaka no kuni tomahigashi gun
nakayama(chiusan)no kaminoyashiro myojintai
【御祭神】 (God's name to pray)
In Shaden = "Nakayama Shrine Enyu"
《主》鏡作命(kagamitsukuri no mikoto) Mirror-making club's ancestor god =石凝姥命
《配》天糠戸神(ameno nukado no kami) 石凝姥神の親神
《配》石凝姥命(ishikoridome no mikoto) 天孫降臨の五部神 八咫鏡の造神
『延喜式頭注』cases, "Enki Shiki Note" 《Lord》 大己貴命(oonamuchi no mikoto)
『作陽誌』 " Sakuyo " << Lord >>吉備武彦命(kibi no takehiko)
『大日本史』&『神祇志料』"History of Japan" & "God gods" <吉備津彦命(kibitsuhiko no mikoto)
or 金山彦命(kanayamahiko no mikoto)
『今昔物語集』&『宇治拾遺物語』《主》猿神(saru gami)
【御神格】(God's Great Power)
・国家安泰 People thank God and live a safe and quality life in their
・牛馬守護 Guardian deity of cow and horse
・鍛金の神 God of metal forging
・冶工の神 God of metal forging craftsman
etc etc
【格式】 (Rules of dignity)
・延喜式内社 名神大社 (engishikinaisha myojintaisha)
・美作國 一之宮 (mimasaka no kuni ichi no miya)
【創建】 (Beginning of History)
"Nakayama Shrine Enyu"『中山神社縁由』慶雲 Keiun 4年(707年) Founded on April 3,
In other
和銅6年(713年)cases, when the founding Mimasaka no kuni was separated from Bizen no Kuni on April 3, 713 in Wako, it is assumed that a solicitation was made from "Kibitsu Shrine" (Kibitsu Nakayama) of Izennomiya, Bizen.
【由緒】 (history)
文武天皇 慶雲4年(707)Emperor文武天皇 It is said that he built a shrine here in 707 (慶雲 4th year) and devoted himself to the God of Kagami. It has been lined up by a government company every year in the Teijin era, and is the only Meishin Taisha Shrine in Mimasakani in the Enki ceremony, as well as a shrine in this country.
There is a story of a monkey god in the 「今昔物語」"Konjyo Monogatari", and "Liang Dust Secret", which is related to the resignation of Pope Goshirakawa, is on par with the Kibitsu Shrine in Aki's Itsukushima company Bichu.
In the event of a national emergency such as Genji in the Kamakura era, it was prayed to pray for national peace, especially in one of the seven nations of the nation, due to imperial command. There is.
弘安八年に一遍上人 In the 8th year of弘安 Koan, Ichinen Shrine, a country of pilgrimage. I visited the company and performed a memorial Buddhist dance, but there is a picture of Sakushu Ichinomiya in 「一遍聖絵」 (National Treasure Vol. There is.
Jianmu Zhongxing Approximately 400 years after it was torn down to Tensho, it became a town of war in Mimasakani, and the rituals of the shrines and temples were almost dead. During the two years of Astronomy 2 (1533), there was a trouble of congratulations, and treasures, furniture, old memorials, old documents, etc. were burnt down together with 120 setsue companies in Yamashita and Yamashita.
In 1559 of the Eiroku period (1559), Izumo castle lord Amako Haruhisa revived the shrine for the war report. It is a magnificent main shrine in the 5th century with a wife Irihi cypress skin that is called Nakayama Zou, and it is a national treasure building in the 19th year of Taisho, and is now an important cultural property designated by the country.
慶長8年 Keicho 8 Years Tadashi Mori Mimasaka Mitsusaku Jeonju territory was finally closed, and the lord of successive nations was reverently respected. Was popular with the people of Asano, and Monzen-shi was prosperous from the Middle Ages to the early modern times.
明治四年 It was appointed as an honorary god, 金山彦命Kaneyama Hikomei, in the 1st year of the Meiji period.
This allows the end of the war without being barrel also was Chokyo in the petition as to be changed to "mirror work God" for your Shrine name over again Meiji year,
chief god mirror work for your Shrine name per the 1946 religious corporation Nakayama Shrine founded report The gods and temples, Tenden Toshin, and Ishiganejin, were all named after the Meiji era, and the names of the gods are written in the traditions of the shrines and old writings.Even after becoming a religious corporation Nakayama Shrine, it has been equipped with disaster prevention facilities in the same shape as it used to be, including the buildings under the main shrine and the forest in the precincts.
Referenced from "National Shrine Festival Comprehensive Survey (1995)" [Shrine Head Office]
【境内社】(Other Deities within the preciscants)
・総神殿(惣神殿)《Lord》 山上山下120社Yamagami Yamashita 120 companies ( shrines of gods burned down by war wreck)
『中山神社資料』“Nakayama Shrine document” “To enshrine the gods of large and small shrines in 12 counties of Mimasakani” (742) The construction shrine is a building that conveys shrine architecture in the middle of the 18th century (designated as an important cultural property by Tsuyama in 2008) Taisho 3 Relocation from outside the Mitarai River to the current location
・国司社(kunishi sha) 《主》大国主命
sovereignty As a land god, the main power is enshrined and there is “Hoko Tateishi ” next to the main shrine. In case of a national disaster, it was moved to the main shrine and prayed.
・御先社(osaki sha) 《主》稲荷神
is generally worshiped as “ Inarigami ” to enshrine the god of Nakayama, the ancestor of the deity of the god of Nakayama
・猿神社(saru no kaminoyashiro)《主》猿多彦神
There is a custom in the back of the main hall to dedicate a stuffed small monkey, the description of 『今昔物語集』 "Konjaku Monogatari Collection", is said to be derived from this monkey shrine.
【Preliminary knowledge of this shrine】 (Preliminary Knowledge of This Shrine)
「中山神社(nakayama shrine)」の起こりには 諸説あります
According to the Shaden (707), there is a story of “saru gami” according to the 42nd generation of the Emperor 文武天皇 (mommu tenno),
According to the「今昔物語」 "Now and old times story," there is a story of "saru gami."「猿神(saru gami)」
This area The Tsuyama Basin seems to have been a large lake that was once upstream of the Yoshii River in ancient times. It eventually becomes a plain with a wide fan.
The Yokogawa River flows from north to south toward this plain . in merges with the "Hanekawa of cormorant" will continue to flow is "Miyagawa", "Nakayama of God" in this junction it has been enshrined
they farming flourished in the Yayoi of rice era There is also a Jomon ruins in the vicinity It is said that it may have happened that the agricultural deity was enshrined, and the fact that "Inari deity" is enshrined as the ancestor deity is also a basis for such a theory.
Ancient Tsuyama Basin Imagined image Akamaru is Nakayama Shrine
「中山神社縁由」According to Nakayama Shrine Enyu
慶雲3年 In 706 (3rd year of Keiun), Nakayamagami went down to Narahara, Eita-gun, to protect Mimasakani. Next, I appeared at the Izuminomiya (currently Ichinomiya in Tsuyama City) at the back of Minase River, and then moved to Kiriyama in Tanabe.
So when I floated a cormorant's wings on the river at the foot, the wings stayed at the foot of Nagaratake.
The indigenous god, "大巳貴命(Onamuchi no Mikoto)", has already been enshrined in the area, but it was inherited from its life, and the shrine was built at the present location of Keiun 5 (708) for a long time. I was supposed to sit in.
"大巳貴命(Onamuchi no Mikoto)"moved to the place of celebration and settled down, but later became Kuniji Shrine in search of Miyaji in the land several tens of meters south.
Text: From the cultural assets of Tsuyama City
「中山神社(nakayama shrine)」の御祭神と「中山造りの社殿・鳥居」
The sacred god "「鏡作命(kagamitsukuri no mikoto)」" is a god who created
三種の神器 three types of sacred device "「八咫鏡(yata no kagami)」yata no kagami", and is the god of the mirror work department "「石凝姥命(ishikoridome no mikoto)」Ishiko", which also appears in the heavenly Iwato mythology. Another name for "ishikoridome no mikoto"
The “shrine” is
「中山造り」called “Nakayama-zukuri” and there is no example in other regions.
current main shrine was revived by Haruhisa Amako in 1559, and its structure was changed from the end of Muromachi to the Azuchi-Momoyama period. It has a unique structure and has a single-layered mother-in-law house. It has been designated as an important cultural property of the country in 1914 by the Japanese cypress bark, and it has become a model for the construction of a shrine in Mimasaka.
The torii is
「中山鳥居」called "Nakayama torii". There is no other place in other regions.
It was built in 1791 (Kansei 3) (Hanaoka Iwano). There is no wooden nose on the square knuckle.
[Otaky Point] (Points Selected by Japan Otaku)
「吉備国(kibi no kuni)」の分割について
Once "kibi no kuni" is an ancient area that covers the entire area of present-day Okayama prefecture, eastern part of Hiroshima prefecture and the to sho part of Kagawa prefecture, and western part of Hyogo prefecture (part of Sayo-gun and part of Ako City). It was one of the leading areas that supported the Yamato Court alongside Chikushi, Izumo, and Maeno.
Yamato Court this mighty "Kibi Mr. (kibi uji)", "Kibi Province (kibi no kuni)" a weakening in the one enormous amount of time intended by the will continue to lose force
the seventh century in the second half of "Bizen Country (bizen no kuni), Bi-China (bitchu no kuni), Bi-go country (bingo no kuni)"
Furthermore, in the 8th century, "「備前国(bizen no kuni)」" will be separated into "「美作国(mimasaka no kuni)」".
This is the final stage of the dismantling of the once powerful "「吉備国(kibi no kuni)」". Iron resources will be put under the jurisdiction of the Yamato Imperial Court directly from 吉備氏(kibi uji).
「美作国(mimasaka no kuni)」の 一之宮(ichi no miya)誕生について
According to the history book 『続日本紀(shoku nihon gi)』
"Mimasaka no kuni" is separated from "Bizen country (bizen no kuni)" by separating six districts of Eita-gun, Katsuta-gun, Tomata-gun, Kume-gun, Mashima-gun and Oba-gun. mimasaka no kuni)" is established (April 3, Wako 6 years (713))
According to the history book 『続日本紀(shoku nihon gi)』画像利用
国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ 「続日本紀 巻5-6」History book "Sequence of Japan (shoku nihon gi)"
This is "「備前守 百済王南典(kudara no konikishi nanten)」" and "Bizen through Uekenokenmi (kamitsuke nu katami)" have been due to Sojo of the primary Mamoru Mimasaka was Sojo
the powers divided among separate "「備前介 上毛野堅身(kamitsuke nu katami)」”
at this time, and the mountain (Kibi Nakayama) in Sakai in Bizen and Bichu (Bizen Nakayama) was solicited from “Kibitsu Shrine” of Bizen (our company), and “Nakayama shrine” of Tsuyama city was changed to Ichinomiya. Be transmitted
In the Kamakura era, it is said that it was an important shrine as Ichinomiya of seven countries nationwide that "pray for national peace" at the time of an emergency in the event of a national emergency.
During the Sengoku era, it was caught in a whirlpool of war and endangered. However,
「美作国の一之宮」"Mimasakaguni no Ichinomiya" is a guardian deity of Ushiuma, a god of agriculture with a high personality, and widely gathers the faith of people to reach today.
『延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho)』の所載について
『延喜式神名帳(engishiki jimmeicho)』名神大社(myojintaisha) which has no other shrine
美作國 苫東郡 中山神社 名神大
mimasaka no kuni tomahigashi gun
nakayama(chiusan)no kaminoyashiro myojintai画像利用
国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション National Diet Library Digital Collection Enki Shiki: Revised Edition. 上巻(昭和4至7)Volume 1 (Showa 4-7)

【Visit to the shrine】 (Pray at the shrinee)
By car
About 10km from the Tsuyama IC on the Chugoku Expressway About 20 minutes
north of Tsuyama Station About 6km on Prefectural Road 68 About 15 minutes
Go northwest along the Miyagawa and there is a brewery called "Namba Shuzo"「難波酒造」
「ケヤキの樹齢は800年」の大木が道に迫り出し その根元に「祝木神社」が祀られています「祝木のケヤキ・祝木社」です 目の前に「中山鳥居」が見えてきますA large tree with a “zelkova tree age of 800” approaches the road, and at the base of it is a “「祝木のケヤキ・祝木社」”. It is a “zelkova tree and a holiday tree shrine”. “Nakayama Torii” is visible in front of you.
There is a parking lot right next to the torii gate
Arrived at「中山神社(nakayama shrine)」
This torii gate at the front entrance is the "Nakayama Torii", which is a unique structure (without a wooden nose) that I introduced earlier. After a bowing, you will pass through
and there will be a large tree with a sign saying "Nakyama Shrine Mukunoki"
The approach stretches straight and is a
"cow statue" Tenmangu on the right side of the approach. It's not the path that Doshinko goes to Dazaifu. I thought for a moment that it was the Tenma religion in this inland area, but it's also widely used as a guardian deity of cows and horses. I remember having collected faith
Beyond that, there is a "respectable Komainu", and there is a "Temizuya" on the left hand side to cleanse.
Walking along the approach, Ishibashi crosses the Mitarai River, and in front of it there is another "Komainu ????", but no matter how many times I look at it, I feel like a monkey, so the "Monkey God" also sits, so it looks like a "Koma monkey". I will leave
When you cross the Ishibashi of the Mitarai River, you will see the main shrine, which is said to have moved the four-legged gate that was in the Ninomaru of Tsuyama Castle (1874).
Go to the hall of worship and make a prayer with a prayer.
In Shaden = "Nakayama Shrine Enyu"
《主》鏡作命(kagamitsukuri no mikoto) 鏡作部の祖神=石凝姥命
《配》天糠戸神(ameno nukado no kami)石凝姥神の父神
《配》石凝姥命(ishikoridome no mikoto)天孫降臨の五部神 八咫鏡の造神
In other
『延喜式頭注』 《主》大己貴命(oonamuchi no mikoto)
『作陽誌』 《主》吉備武彦命(kibi no takehiko)
『大日本史』&『神祇志料』《主》吉備津彦命(kibitsuhiko no mikoto)
or 金山彦命(kanayamahiko no mikoto)
『今昔物語集』&『宇治拾遺物語』《主》猿神(saru gami)
With all my gratitude, I pray that I will reach out to the deity of the god who will be revered while praying to follow God's power.
On the right hand side of the front shrine is the "office office", which has a corridor running from the worshipers' refuge to the front shrine.
If you turn to the left to worship the main shrine, you will find "Kagura shrine" and "Sojin shrine (Sō shrine)" <
Going to the side of the hall and going to the back, there is a single-layered, mother-in-law house made structure called "Nakayama structure" made of Japanese cypress that worships the main shrine, which is larger than I imagined.
There is a road from here to the back of the precincts, leading to "猿神社(saru no kaminoyashiro) "猿多彦神Sarutahikojin" and passing through the torii gate, and sitting on a rocky slope about 50m ahead, it is a custom to dedicate a stuffed little monkey for some reason. There are a lot of things hanging
It is said that the descriptions such as 『今昔物語集』"Konjaku Monogatarishu" originated from this "猿神社(saru no kaminoyashiro)". This will be explained in detail later.
Passing through the side of the main shrine, returning to the approach, passing through Nakayama Torii and looking back
【Tradition of shrines】 (Old tales held down to shrinks)
『今昔物語集 巻第二十六』に書かれている「猿神社(saru no kaminoyashiro)」「猿神(saru gami)」の伝承

Tradition of "saru no kaminoyashiro" and "saru gami" written in "Konjaku Monogatari Vol. 26"『今昔物語集 巻第二十六』
「美作國 神依猟師謀止生贄語 第七」"Mimasakaguni Kamiyoshi Hunting Master's Revenge Sacrifice No. 7"
(みまさかのくにの かみれふしの はかりごとによりて いけにえを とどむること だいしち)(Depending on the scale of the Mikamikanokuni Karebushi, it is a sacrifice)
References 「【今昔物語集 全4巻-日本古典文学全集 21~24】校注・訳:馬淵和夫/国東文麿/今野達 発行所 小学館」
Now long ago
Two gods (Takayama) and (Takano) were sitting in Mimasaka (Okayama Prefecture). The incarnations of the two shrines are "Monkey" (Takayama) and "Snake" (Takano).
It was a tradition to offer sacrifices 生贄(ike nie)to the festival once a year, but it was supposed to set up an unmarried virgin of the country.
This was continued from old times to recent times without neglect.By the way, in that country, there was a beautiful girl whose age and age were about 16-17 years old, although her family name and status were not high. My parents loved this daughter and thought they were more important than me. This daughter was assigned to the sacrifice (ike nie)
By the way, this sacrifice is appointed on the festival day of the year. From that day on, the nominated daughter will be well-fed over the next year and dedicated to the festival next year.
And the parents of the nominated daughter were sad and sad, but could not escape, so their lives diminished over time.In this way, as the time of face-to-face meeting gradually diminished, I broke my fingers, counted the day, and was just sad and crying.
Around that time, there was a person who came from the eastern direction. This person has a profession called Inuyama, where he keeps a lot of dogs, enters the mountains, and makes them eat and kill wild boars and deer. It was a man who made a living to kill and hunt.
He was a brave, clear and ferocious person, and while he was staying in this country for a while, he heard this sacrifice (ike nie) story, as if it were natural.
One day, I had an errand and went to this sacrifice house. When I waited for the guidance, I sat down at the end and looked into the back of the house through the gap below, and saw a woman lying alone. It was white and very cute. She had long hair, and she was so sophisticated she couldn't imagine being a country girl.
The girl looks pensive. Seeing the girl's hair swaying and weeping, the man in this eastern country felt very pitiful.
Eventually, when he met with the female parents and talked in various ways, her parents said, "We are the only daughters. We are assigned to such a sacrifice (ike nie). It was done. Lamenting, living, thinking, and just time goes by. Our parting is approaching and sad.
A country like this, a very pathetic country, is here. What is the sin of our past life? And why should we see the pitiful eyes born in such a country? "The parents lamented.
When the eastern man heard it, he said, "For the people of this world, there is nothing better than life and no human treasure better than children.
But yet, in front of you, the only daughter is dedicated, cooked and eaten. Parents are lazy parents who appear to be waving. If so, you are dead, as well.
But there are enemies trying to eat their daughter. There is nowhere in the world where there are those who die in vain before their enemies.
You feel that the Buddha and God are horrifying because they lack life's life. But, for the sake of my child, I spare myself.
And, in your opinion, the daughter is like a person who doesn't have a life now. So give me that daughter. Instead let me die. Then, if you give me a daughter, you have no objection. " Said the man.The parents hear this and ask, "What are you going to do?"
Touhou people said, "I have a plan. I don't tell anyone that I am there. Just put "shimenawa" to work hard at the barrier." I said.
The parents secretly entrusted the daughter to an eastern man, saying, "I don't care what happens if my daughter doesn't die."
A eastern man spent this daughter as his wife. Gradually, it began to become difficult to separate. He chose two hunting dogs that he had been accustomed to for many years, and said, "You guys, take my place." And he tamed the dog carefully.
I secretly caught monkeys from the mountains, avoided the eyes, and practiced repeatedly biting and killing monkeys by dogs. Originally, dogs and monkeys had a very bad relationship with each other, so I was absorbed in being taught such things. Eventually, Inu jumped over and over, killing and eating the monkey.
Thus, the man trained his dog well, sharpened his sword, and waited.
In this way, the eastern man told his wife. "I will die on your behalf. It's unavoidable to die from the time I was born, but I'm sad to say goodbye."
But the woman didn't understand why. However, the sad feeling was very big.A lot of people, including the priest on the day of arrival, brought in a new 長櫃(naga hitsu)and said, "Enter in this" and put it in the bedroom.
The man wore only a 狩衣(kari ginu) and a袴(hakama) and wore a sword and entered the 長櫃(naga hitsu) with two dogs on both sides of the man.
The parents put out 櫃(hitsu) and made it look like their daughter was inside. People with spears, Sakaki, bells, and mirrors gathered like clouds, lined up with each other, and yelled out.
The wife was afraid of what would happen, and felt sorry for the man for herself. My parents thought, "No matter how I die in the future, I have no regrets. We now have only this choice."
The sacrifice (ike nie) was carried by the shrine and chanted congratulations, then opened the door of the Tamagaki, cut the string connecting Nagaguri, and inserted it in the front. Then, the priest closed the door to Tamagaki. They were sitting side by side outside.
A man opens his naga hitsu a little bit and peeks outside, and a big monkey (oo zaru) .who is only seven or eight shaku (about 1.8 m) sits on the upper seat Teeth are white and face and hips Is red ,
followed by hundreds of monkeys sitting side by side, red face, hanging eyebrows, yelling loudly.There is a 俎(mana ita) in front and a big sword is placed. All the seasonings such as vinegar salt and sake salt are lined up, as if people were trying to cook and eat deer meat etc.
After a while, the great monkey (oo zaru) standing up stood up, and all the other monkeys who worked on 長櫃 (naga hitsu) also stood up and tried to open together.
At that moment, a man suddenly jumped up and ordered, "I bite the monkey," and released a dog. Two dogs started running, biting a big monkey and blocking their movements.
A man pulls out an icy sword and captures the great monkey (oo zaru), lays it down on a mana ita, puts sword on monkey neck and says, "When you kill a person and eat meat. I suppose this is the case, and I'll cut off your neck and feed the dogs."
The great monkey (oo zaru) turned its face red, fluttered its eyes, whitened its teeth, rubbed his hands with tears, but he without even listening,
"You have eaten many children for many years. Instead, I will kill you right now, but if you are a god, kill this eagle." he pressed the sword around monkey neck, and the two dogs also eat and kill many other monkeys.The surviving monkey finally climbed up the tree and hid in the mountain, gathered a lot of monkeys and screamed as the mountain echoed, but nothing could be done.
In the meantime, one of the priests that God transferred to, said, "I do not seek sacrifice (ike nie) from today onward.
And this guy is doing this to me right now. But for that reason, he should not be harmed.
Also, do not blame the daughter's parents, relatives, and relatives for sins. It should not harm men, including the victimized women (ike nie). "The priests all went into the shrine and told the man, "Oh, God is like this, please forgive me, forgive me, I am afraid."
But the man doesn't listen. "I don't need life. No, I kill this monkey for many people, and I will die with him."The priest swore to God, saying, "Norito," and God made a firm oath. The man forgave him by saying, "Don't do this anymore." The great monkey fled into the mountains.
The man came home and lived with the woman for a long time as a couple. My parents also thanked my son-in-law for all the words. After that, their house had no problems. It would be a gift from the previous life.
After that, the nation was kept calm without making a sacrifice (ike nie).
Tonamu Katari Tsutae Tarutoya
『今昔物語集 巻第二十六』"Konjaku Monogatari Vol. 26"画像利用
国立公文書館デジタルアーカイブ 「今昔物語集 26巻」National Archives Digital Archives "Vol. 26 now and now"
A small shrine called "猿神社(saru no kaminoyashiro)" is enshrined at the position behind the main shrine of "中山神社(nakayama shrine)".

Although the Shoshi on the steep slopes of the foothills of the mountains will receive the impression that our inner shrine "monkey god 猿神(saru gami)" is still sitting on the mountain
, "Past and Present story collection" of "monkey god 猿神(saru gami) Was "the God of this land before the separation of Mimasakani, the god of Jomon?" Is the "man from the East" who defeated and integrated this god the messenger of the Yamato Imperial Court??
中山神社(津山市)Nakayama Shrine (Tsuyama City) The division of "kibi no kuni" by the ancient Yamato court left many mysteries in the creation of "mimasaka no kuni" and left the main hall of "ichi no miya" A "saru gami" sits quietly in the back
"Hai" at "nakayama shrine", which has many traditions of founding (90 degree bow)