実践和學 Cultural Japan heritage


Onigami Shrine (Oku-Izumo-cho, Ohro)

Onigami Shrine (Oku Izumo-cho Ohara) enshrines "susanoo no mikoto" and its son "isotakeru no mikoto".

From here, I will explain the name of the listed shrine in chronological order.

"Izumo Kuni Fudoki" was completed on February 30, 1300 years ago and 5 years ago (733).
Next, the Enki-shiki Shinmei book was completed about 1100 years ago in the middle of the Heian period (extended 5 years and 927 years).
Finally, it is the ronsha (present shrine) of "Izumo Kuni Fudoki" and "Enki-shiki Shinmeisho"

[About 1,300 years ago] About 1300 Years ago

[Izumo Kuni Fudoki (izumo no kuni fudoki) Place of publication]
The shrine record was completed in February 733 AD.

[Country] Izumo no kuni
[County] Nita-gun (nita no kaori) article
Jinjo-gensha (jingikan no yashiro)

【Company name】Iga Tukisha

[Reading] (Igatake no) Yashiro
[How to read] (igatake no) yashiro

A copy of the "IzumoKuni Fudoki" digital archive of the National Archives of Japan

[About 1100 years ago] About 1100 Years ago

[Engishiki Jimmeicho (Place of publication)]
The shrine record was completed in December 927 AD.

[Country] Izumo Kuni (izumo no
[County] Nita-gun (nita no mori)

【Company name】Iga Taji Shrine

toread] (ikatake no kamino yashiro)

国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション National Diet Library Digital Collection Enki Shiki: Revised Edition. 上巻(昭和4至7)Volume 1 (Showa 4-7)

【Current】 At the Moment Current Specific Shrine

【神社名】(shrine name)

 Onijinsha (Onigami Shrine) (oikami shrine) (onikami shrine)

【通称名】(Common name) 

Kamimiya Iga Taki Shrine (kaminomiya igatake jinsha)


2058-2 Ohara, Oku Izumo Town, Nita District, Shimane Prefecture

【地 図】(Google Map)

【御祭神】(God’s name to pray)

"Lord" Fifty Fierce Lives (isotakeru no mikoto)
Susanoo no
The respect of the other three pillars

[Gody] (God's Great Power)

Prayer at an age thought-up a lesson in life

【格式】 (Rules of dignity)

Enki Shikinaisha (engishikinaisha)

【創建】 (Beginning of History)


【由緒】 (history)


Tenpei 5th year (733) Izumo Fudoki on The 5th year (733) "Nit枳ajiki Oguni", refers to this place, and Koro is the meaning of a large forest in a large bath, renamed in Kamigame 3rd year (726) Omaro, Masakura is placed in this center,
The "Iga Taki Shrine", a government-held shrine of Enki-shiki (927), is our company.

It is said that the 40's Tenmu, 54th Emperor Ninmei, and the 55th Emperor Buntoku were dedicated to the Imperial Court, and emperor Nimei was enshrined in the 4th year (851) Of Emperor Nimei's Sho( 851).

Masayasu 4th year (1302) Joined Amekawa as the head of Misawa clan, Misawa-go, and moved Yokota-go Fujikese Castle (main castle), but Eisho 16 years (151 9) At the time of Misawa Tamekuni, it was captured by Amago Keihisa, and "Kamimiya Iga Taki Shrine" disappeared because of fire in Moro Castle, Takesaki Castle, Funadori-ji Temple, and Kannonji Temple.

It is said that the god of the festival was called Onigami Igabu Daimeijin as the god of "Takeu", the evil, the ghost, and oribushi.
During the Daiei period, Mitsusawa Tametada, his son Tamekuni, Eiroku year Misawa Tamekiyo, Amako Haruhisa, Kan'ei year Horio Tadaharu, etc. were built.

Keicho Koryu Shuko Tatsukuzuki Yoshiyoshi, Izumo Kunizo Senke Motokatsusen "Izumo Kunihito-gun Okunisato Onijin Daimyojin Enki" volume 1 (1601),
Izumo Kuni Nita-gun Yokotaso Oguni-ri Kamimiya Funatoyama Onigami Iga Taki Daimeijin-jin-sai Soto Naruson, Iso-Toshinya

Enki-shiki-yo 50-to-rying land Iga-Takisha Koreya Chizen Medieval Confusion Company name Single name Onigami Daimeijinya

Chotako Sotonaruson Shiko 50 Fierce Gods And Shilla KuninoJo Hakuchi Gofui Sei i'm the land of The Land Of The Land Sakufune Onnototo Tomei Izumo Kuni 簸 Kawakami Location Torikami Mine Itafune Nariiwa Chiimazaisho Maesho Common People Worship Iwafune Daimei Jinya,

焉 The First Fifty Fierce God Tenki no Toki Tanoki Tanoki Tanoki Tanoki Tanoki Tanoki NanshokiChichi Cover Brought Back And Return Self-Built Purple Ordinary Daihachikokunouchi Mo-Insorking 焉 Aoyama 焉 Ichinomiya Kihaku Daiki Mei brother 5ju Toki Jinya

August 7, 1998
Onigami Shrine Office
Onigami Shrine Onigami Shrine

由緒書き 案内板より

【境内社】(Other Deities within the preciscants)

[Otaky Point] (Points Selected by Japan Otaku)

鬼神神社(onikami shrine)の「岩船(iwa fune)」と「御陵(goryo)」

It is said that the "susanoo no mikoto" and "isotakeru no mikoto" were rocked by the "hachichi no fune" that came from the country of silla.

籬 stone "Iwafue" is known as "Iwafune Daimyojin" on the right side of the torii gate of the shrine.

And there's the mausoleum of isotakeru no mikoto in the back of the shrine.

The name of this mountain is very worrisome "Funatoyama"
In "Unyashi", it is said that "This place is called Funatoyama" as "Funadoriyama and Ifu Satojin"

Perhaps this is "Torikami mine" in the Hii River in Izumo Province, the land of the advent of susanoo no mikoto.

Iwafune Daimyojin rocked by The Hanifune of Susanoo

Susanoo and Isotaker got on a hanibune (a ship made of soil) from the land of Silla, crossed Mt. Funadori, and landed here.

It is said that this "Iwafune Daimyojin" was rocked by the hanibune at that time, and it is about 2 meters out on the ground, but the underground is a few meters and no one can move it.

In addition, here in the back mountain of Onigami Shrine. There is a tomb called the tomb of Isotakeru, and the local people call it "Goryo-san".

It is said that a lot of fireballs were seen here, and it flew to Mt. Funadori when it flew down to Goryo-san.
The locals are the ghosts of Yamatano Orochi.

I was afraid to think of it as "Ryuto".
The "Ryuto (Head) Festival", which is said to have started to calm this down, is still ongoing.


Every year on August 7th, the Dragon Lantern Festival is held to reincidate orochi's soul.

【Visit to the shrine】 (Pray at the shrinee)

From Izumo Yokota Station, via Prefectural Route 258 about 5km by car for about 7 minutes

Turn right along the Hii River, according to "Kojiki", it is said that it descended to the foot of Mt. Funadori, and as soon as you head to the left, it is on your left.
Arrived at onikami shrine

On the right side of the torii gate, there is "Iwafune" which I told you in [Otaky Point].

There is a "torii" facing the road.

While being protected by stone lanterns and Komainu, go up the stone steps of the approach.

It is a company that is neatly groomed.

Surrounded by the shrine and magaki, there is a Taisha-built "Gohonden" in the back.

The history is put up, and it reads for a moment and it indulges.

If you go straight to the shrine, there is a "Oni-Gods Shrine" on the flat forehead.

I'm sing a
lot of money. I wish you all the best.
I pray with my hands together, hitting a high hand that can't reach the god of worship who bows and settles while wishing to be in accordance with your divine power.

The god crest is still Kamekomon Kenka Hishi

Look up at the main shrine from the right hand side.

There is a guide board that says "Funatoyama (Goryo-san)" And when you climb the back mountain from the shrine precincts, there is a mausoleum of 50 fierce lives (isotakeru no mikoto) about 150m, so I worship far from here.

Go down the stone steps, go through the torii gate, look back, and bow.

【Tradition of shrines】 (Old tales held down to shrinks)

Each document is handed down as follows

『日本書紀』には「鬼神神社の由緒」と 同じ 伝承があります

Gosaijin 50 Fierce Lives (isotakeru no mikoto) and Sosanoo no mikoto

Nihon Shoki, 卷 1 in the eighth dan 4th book, in which "the extermination of the eight great snakes" is described

With Susanoo no mikoto, who was exiled from Heaven (Takatenbara in Kojiki), his son, isotakeru no mikoto, descended on Shira 尸 Shigenori.

Susanoo no mikoto was told that he didn't want to be in this place ("Nokogen-cho, Goji Nobii"), so we built a ship together using hachichi, and crossed east by boat and reached "Torigami no Mine" on the Hii River in Izumo No Province.

At that time, there was a big snake (orochi) that swallowed people.

I had a lot of tree species when it fell, but I didn't plant it in Sillagi, but everything was brought back.
And because it was planted in Oyashima no kuni, this country was placed in a lush mountain.
It is this Great God who sits in Kii Province."

*Nihon Shoki [Winner: Prince Shajin / Manuscript, Kyoho 2003]
See "Original" By The National Archives of Japan Digital Archives "Nihon Shoki" Manuscript

『雲陽志(unyo shi)』仁多郡 大呂 にある伝承

Onigami Shrine is marked as "Onigami Daimyojin"

(susanoo no mikoto) son 50 lives (isotakeru no mikoto)

In the land of Silla, we went out to the east sea as a ship using hani tsuchi, and reached the "Torigami peak" on the upper river of Izumo no Kuni.
This place is called Mt. Funadori, and the satojin is also called Funatoyama.

Kamishiro Mifune became a stone, and it is still in the shrine, and the sacred light appears, and it becomes a big fireball.

*"Unyo shi" [Written by Kurosawa Naganao] Tenpo 6 [1835] "Original" Reference To The National Archives Digital Archive "Unyashi" Manuscript 

『出雲国式社考((izumo no kuni shiki no yashiro ko))』仁多郡 にある伝承

Onigami Shrine is written in the section "Iga Taki Shrine" in Kakumura as a shrine called "Onigami Daimyojin" in Ōro Village, and it is written as a paper company of Shikinaisha.

*IzumoKuni Shikisha (Izumo no kuni shiki no yasuhiro ko)] [Winner: Senke Umesha / School Revision: Nobuhiko Iwamasa] manuscript, Meiji 02
See "Original" National Archives Digital Archive "IzumoKuni Shikisha Thoughts" Manuscript

There is a mausoleum of the demon god in "Funatoyama", and the village
person continues "Ryuto (head) festival" even now.
"hai" (90-degree bow) at onikami shrine


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As a criterion (iii) of the World Cultural Heritage "Mt. Fuji - Object of Worship and Source of Art", it is written that "Through the ascent to the summit and pilgrimage to the sacred place at the foot of the mountain, which has inspired the tradition of mountain worship from ancient times to the present day, pilgrims wished to imbue themselves with the spiritual power of the gods and Buddhas who live there."