実践和學 Cultural Japan heritage


蜛蝫 Shrine (Ejima, Yatsuka Town)

蜛蝫 Shrine (Ejima, Yatsuka-cho) has a tradition that "蜛蝫" in "Kizuki no Misaki" was located on the island "蜛蝫 island " (tako shima)" which was caught and carried by "Tenbane(wide and large feathers)" in "Izumo-no-Misaki".

From here, I will explain the name of the listed shrine in chronological order.

"Izumo Kuni Fudoki" was completed on February 30, 1300 years ago and 5 years ago (733).
Next, the Enki-shiki Shinmei book was completed about 1100 years ago in the middle of the Heian period (extended 5 years and 927 years).
Finally, it is the ronsha (present shrine) of "Izumo Kuni Fudoki" and "Enki-shiki Shinmeisho"

[About 1,300 years ago] About 1300 Years ago

[Izumo Kuni Fudoki (izumo no kuni fudoki) Place of publication]
The shrine record was completed in February 733 AD.

A copy of the "IzumoKuni Fudoki" digital archive of the National Archives of Japan


Izumo No Kuni (Izumo no Kuni)
Shimane-gun (shimaneno
Article Absent Shinto shrine (fusai jingikan no yashiro)

[Company name] 蜛蝫.

[Reading] (Takono) Yashiro
[How to read] (tako no) yashiro

(境内社 若宮神社)

Izumo No Kuni (Izumo no Kuni)
Shimane-gun (shimaneno
Article Absent Shinto shrine (fusai jingikan no yashiro)

[Company name] 蜛蝫 company

[Reading] (The
same as Tako's) Yashiro [How to read] (onajiki tako no) yashiro

[About 1100 years ago] About 1100 Years ago

[Engisiki jimmeicho(Place of Publication)] The shline record was completed in December
927 AD.
This is not applicable because it is a non-governmental company.

【Current】 At the Moment

[Ronsha] Current specific shrine

[Shrine name] (shrine name) 蜛蝫 Shrine   a bug-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen-hen
[How to read] (How to read) (Takojija)

[Common name] (Common name) Tenno san

[Zhenzachi] (location) Ejima 184, Yatsuka-cho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture
【地 図】(Google Map)

【御祭神】(God’s name to pray)

"Lord" 盞 (susanowo no ikoto)
Princess Tagorihime (tagorihime no ikoto)
Kukunochi no Kami
湍 (tagitsuhime no ikoto)
Great Power Lord God (Okununushi no Kami)
Himeichi Ichishima (ichikishimahime no ikoto)
Kotoshiro Lord God (kotoshironushi no
Princess Inada (inadahime no ikoto)

[Gody] (God's Great Power)

【格式】 (Rules of dignity)

Izumo Fudoki (Izumo no kuni fudoki)

【創建】 (Beginning of History)

The age of its founding is unknown.

【由緒】 (history)

In Fudoki Izumo, it is written that there is a shrine in the eastern side.


【境内社】(Other Deities within the preciscants)

Wakamiyasha ...the same 蜛蝫 (onajiki tako no) yashiro
Izumo Fudoki (Izumo no kuni fudoki)

Tema Milk Shrine
Legma Milk Shrine

[Otaky Point] (Points Selected by Japan Otaku)

The "two islands floating in the Nakaumi" in the aerial photograph is a "volcano" of 190,000 years ago.

The big island is "Daikonjima" 蜛蝫
(tako shima) "Izumokuni Fudoki"
A small island is "Ejima" 蜈蚣 (mukade shima), "Izumokuni Fudoki"

Daikonjima and Ejima are said to be "small volcanoes formed about 190,000 years before the Mid-Pleas pleasion."
The lava (black stone) that remained on the island is called "island stone" and seems to have been used as a stone wall and building material, and the approach of this shrine and the water bowl are made of "island stone".

【Visit to the shrine】 (Pray at the shrinee)

From Yonago Airport via Prefectural Route 47 towards Ejima and Daikonjima 7km car 12 minutes
It is on the way while looking at the beautiful Nakaumi.

Because the place is difficult to understand, it is said that it enters "the north alley of Ejima Peony Garden".
蜛蝫 at Tako Shrine

To the right of the white torii gate, a lantern made of lava "island stone" is a highlight.

After a bow, I walked through the Torii gate and sat down with a new Shiba Inu.
Go straight on the straight approach where the "stone of the island" is laid.

It's as if we're isolating the outside world.

You can see the shrine shining in the sun.

The sun enters between the clouds, and it drifts calm.

I'm singing to the shrine.
I wish you a
I pray that I will meet your hands and pray for the high-quality hand to reach the god of the festival which is calmed while wishing to be accompanied by the god of God.

I look up to the main shrine from the right hand side.
On the right hand side of the main shrine, I visit the precincts shrine.

I look up at the main shrine from the left hand.
The left hand side of the main shrine precincts shrine

I think that the precinct shrine which sits in the left and right object is a Tema milk shrine and a Legma milk shrine.

Just a little back on the approach to the shrine.
Because the fox sits here, it is "Inarisha" shrine.

Next to it is蜛蝫 shrine with a board that reads "The Shrine of The People."
Maybe this is Wakamiyasha.

I'm going back to the shrine.

I turned around through the torii gate and bowed.

【Tradition of shrines】 (Old tales held down to shrinks)


The big island is "Daikonjima" 蜛蝫
(tako shima) "Izumokuni Fudoki"
A small island is "Ejima" 蜈蚣 (mukade shima), "Izumokuni Fudoki"

"Daikonjima" is said to have changed from tako to Taine (taku) and daikon (taiko) in Izumokuni Fudoki, which is said to have been named "Takojima" because the large eagle that captured the tako of Misaki of Tsubaki flew to this island.

蜈蚣 is said to have resembled a mukade in shape.

Image :Bunsei 4th year Izumokuni Ten County drawings (Shimane Prefectural Library Collection)

出雲國風土記(izumo no kuni fudoki)意宇郡 条 に記される「国引き神話」伝承について

The蜛蝫where "Tako shrine" 蜈蚣 enshrined in "mukade shima" is written.
It is thought that the shrine originally located on 蜛蝫 Island was relocated with residents who were 蜛蝫 ordered to move to 蜈蚣 Island (Ejima) with the establishment of Maki (a government-run ranch in ancient times).

translation of one's intention
Shima around 18 ri 100 steps Height is Sanjo (circumference 9800m height 9m) 

According to the old man's message, "Oko" was placed in "kizuki no misaki"蜛蝫 Izumo-gun.
Then, "Tenbane" caught the 蜛蝫 (tako) and stopped on this island. 蜛蝫

So蜛蝫is called "Tako shima", and now people 栲 call it "kou shima."
蒿 薺 莎 This island is fertile. There are two pine trees on the west bank of the island.

(This island is a maki (an ancient government-run ranch)) This island is about three ri (1600m) away from the land.

蜈蚣 Island (mukade shima)
The circumference is one hundred and three hundred and three steps, and the height is two lengths (circumference 2900m height less than 6m)

According to the old man's message, "蜛蝫" in "蜛蝫蜈蚣 Shima" ate 蜈蚣 and stopped on this island, so it is called "mukade shima".

There's a shrine to the east of this island. Everything else is a private house.
The land is fertile and the plants are flourishing on this island, especially the kuwa and asa.
This is the "island village" that is 2 ri 100 steps (about 1247m) away from Tsu (port).

Only bedrock continues from this island to "Yomi no shima" (present-day Yugahama is an island at that time) in the interview district of Hakutokoku (Tottori Prefecture) About 60 steps (100 meters) in length.
I'll go back and forth on a horse. When the tide is high, it's only two shaku five dimensions (70 cm) deep.

See "Original Text" Digital Archive of the National Archives of Japan "Izumo Kaoru Fudoki"

It has a shrine and legend in the island "蜛蝫 shima" where "蜛蝫"
in "kizuki no misaki" was caught and carried by "Tenbane". 蜛蝫 "rai" (90-degree bow) at Tako shrine (tako shrine)


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As a criterion (iii) of the World Cultural Heritage "Mt. Fuji - Object of Worship and Source of Art", it is written that "Through the ascent to the summit and pilgrimage to the sacred place at the foot of the mountain, which has inspired the tradition of mountain worship from ancient times to the present day, pilgrims wished to imbue themselves with the spiritual power of the gods and Buddhas who live there."